<Recourses for Being Unable to Return to Work> Sometimes our Legal Services receives the following calls: “What will be the recourse if I am too ill to go back to work?” 1. Contact your HR/Payroll Department and ask for a sick leave.2. Find out if you have short-term disability benefits from your employer. 3. Apply … Read More

<Tort action in the workplace injuries> -An MVA insured person can elect to bring an action and claim benefits under s. 30 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. -He can issue a Statement of Claim for tort action in a workplace injury against a Tortfeasor if he has a viable claim in meeting … Read More

Challenges to Workplace Vaccine Mandate Moved to Appeals Court in Cincinnati – from New York Times

-WASHINGTON — A federal judicial panel on Tuesday assigned the appeals court in Cincinnati to handle at least 34 lawsuits that have been filed around the country challenging the Biden administration’s attempt to mandate that large employers require their workers to get vaccinated against the coronavirus or submit to weekly testing. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/16/us/politics/biden-vaccine-mandate-osha-ohio.html

How do death and funeral benefits work under the SABS?

-Under section 26(1) of the the said Regulation,  an insurance company shall pay a death benefit. -Under s. 27(1) an insurance company shall pay a funeral benefit for the insured who dies as a result of the accident. However, the time limits and monetary restrictions apply. -S. 43(1) states that if a claimant is entitled to a death benefit and a funeral benefit, the insurance … Read More

The driver died in a car accident. How does CPP death benefit work?

<The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) death benefit> -It is a one-time payment, payable to the estate or other eligible individuals, on behalf of a deceased CPP contributor. -The amount of the death benefit is a single payment of $2,500 for which you need to apply as soon as possible after the contributor’s death. -In order to qualify … Read More

Involved in unfortunate motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls or workplace accidents?

When you are involved in unfortunate motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls or workplace accidents, one of our priorities is to arrange for your physical, psychological treatments to help you recover from your sustained injuries from those accidents. We arrange multidisciplinary treatments with medical professionals who can cater to your needs – such as, physiotherapists, … Read More

Why do you need legal representatives as a result of having sustained injuries from motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls or workplace?

Many individuals come across an overwhelming imbalance of power from their automobile or work insurance companies because of disability that they had from their unfortunate accidents.  They even discuss with us they were taken advantage of by their own insurance companies in the course of their own settlement negotiations. Regulation 664 of the Insurance Act is clear … Read More

“Total Disability” or “Totally Disabled” In the London Life Insurance Policy:

-The plaintiff, who was diagnosed as suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (“CFS”), brought an action against the insurer he was entitled to long-term disability benefits under the disability insurance policy issued by the defendant, and for punitive and aggravated damages. -The defendant did not dispute the diagnosis of CFS but took the position that the … Read More

Claimant opted out of the WSIB benefits – May 1, 2022

The claimant was employed at the time of MVA and received Workers Safety Insurance Benefits (“WSIB”). And, subsequently, the claimant elected to opt out of the WSIB benefits and instead elected to pursue (a) a lawsuit (“tort action”) against the unidentified driver. Under s.61 of the SABS, if a claimant makes an election under the … Read More