<Taking MVA claimants’ injuries outside of Minor Injury Guideline> <thelegalservices.org/toronto/personal injury law> Mateluna v. Scottish & York, 2022 ONLAT 20-001965/AABS The applicant should discharge her evidentiary onus in establishing that she is entitled to treatment outside the Minor Injury Guideline. If s.25 Psychological Report diagnoses the applicant with adjustment disorder and specific phobia, the report … Read More

New Ontario law will allow only 60 days for possible slip and fall claim – from CTV News

Published Wednesday, January 13, 2021 6:13PM TORONTO — Every year thousands of Canadians are hurt after slipping on icy stairs, steps and sidewalks. Now if it happens in Ontario you’ll have a lot less time to sue for damages. If you have a bad fall on ice and want to file an insurance claim you … Read More

<thelegalservices.org/toronto/lawyer> Mateluna v. Scottish & York, 2022 ONLAT 20-001965/AABS The applicant should discharge her evidentiary onus in establishing that she is entitled to treatment outside the Minor Injury Guideline. If s.25 Psychological Report diagnoses the applicant with adjustment disorder and specific phobia, the report is supposed to be linked to any objective medical evidence provided … Read More