<Successfully out of Minor Injury Guideline as per CT Scan Reports> -One of the MVA clients’ injuries were minor not worth over $3,500.00 three months ago. -However, the updated CT Scan Reports from his family physician convinced the Wawanesa Insurance to pull his injuries OUT OF MINOR INJURY GUIDELINE based upon the following: –1. The … Read More

<Concussion – Out of MIG under the SABS> Our Legal Services argued that our client did not suffer a minor injury, because the accident left him with a concussion. Therefore, since a concussion is a brain injury, and brain injuries fall outside of the MIG. Our Legal Services has produced the clinical notes and records of our client’s … Read More

The applicant’s evidentiary onus to take her out of Minor Injury Guideline

Mateluna v. Scottish & York, 2022 ONLAT 20-001965/AABS The applicant should discharge her evidentiary onus in establishing that she is entitled to treatment outside the Minor Injury Guideline. If s.25 Psychological Report diagnoses the applicant with adjustment disorder and specific phobia, the report is supposed to be linked to any objective medical evidence provided by … Read More