Family of U.K. Teen Reaches Deal With U.S. State Department Employee After Car Accident – from New York Times

Charlotte Charles and Tim Dunn, the parents of Harry Dunn, in north Oxfordshire, England, after watching online court proceedings in their son’s case last year.

-Anne Sacoolas was charged in the death of 19-year-old Harry Dunn in 2019, while she was a State Department employee. The police said she had been driving on the wrong side of the road…

-In a statement, the State Department said that “the driver had diplomatic immunity because she was the spouse of an accredited staff member of the U.S. Embassy office.”

-Last year, Britain and the United States ultimately agreed to close that loophole that allowed family members of U.S. embassy staff in Croughton to claim immunity for crimes they committed outside of their duties. The changes, however, apply to future cases and not that of Ms. Sacoolas.